I almost didn’t even write a post this week because I am so disgusted and ticked at the world right now. So I decided to let it all out right here in my little space of the world. Be warned, I’m going full throttle. TRIGGER WARNING: This is not meant to be political but rather how I feel like all of civilized society is breaking down. I am not happy with any political party or group right now. So don’t take this as political but rather apocalyptical. lol
All anyone can talk about is Covid. I am sick to death of it. Can we just go back to calling it the Corona Virus or the Beer Virus? At least it makes it a little more fun. I still cannot believe that in this day and age, people actually thought Corona Beer caused the virus. For those people who believed that, how do you even get out of bed each morning and put on clothes? Are you just that stupid? I need to know where you attended school so we can get it shut down ASAP.
Also on Covid, how many cases are false positives and negatives? How many tests were altered. How did this virus really start? How close are we to finding a cure or vaccine?
School issues. To go back or not. Either way you can’t make anyone happy with whatever decision is made. And either way kids will suffer.
Wearing a mask is now a fighting phrase? Your rights are being taken away? They (whoever they are) have been slowly eroding our rights for years. The mask thing shouldn’t be your biggest issue. Censorship is maybe where you need to start. Facial recognition cameras and Circuit cameras in every state, city and nation. Computers and companies that sell your information and hack your life. OMG. I could go on.
Racial Unjust, Equality, Women’s Empowerment, Mental health, Child Trafficking, riots and destruction. How about all that? Notice people just turn a blind eye? Or say that the burning, looting and violence is needed to wake people up? Really? I think half the population in the world is stupid. This behavior in all the listed topics above needs to stop. It’s divisive. You will NEVER heal or solve the issues of today with violence and destruction. Or screaming or telling people who disagree with you to shut up. That leads me to think there is something else going on.
Maybe these people don’t want healing or coming together to solve the issues. Maybe they want us to be divided and break down our society. Maybe folks need a real close look at what is happening and stop listening to the same rhetoric over and over. Maybe we need to think for ourselves. Although I don’t think a lot of people are capable anymore. I think there is so much evil and hate that anything goes now. No one is thinking rationally and communities have no one to lead them in the right direction. Just more divisiveness.
Sorry for the rant but is how I feel. We need to rethink everything we are being told. Propaganda is coming at us from all sides. And we are buying into it. So what now?
I promise next week will be a more “up” post. Provided we are still here then. lol
How do you feel? Do you see what I’m saying? Or do I even make sense?
Peace, Love and Margaritas.