My Pregnancy Journal: Week 20 Update

By Slowdownandsavor

Twenty weeks! Half way! Baby Jack is half-baked at this point, and guess what?! I FELT HIM MOVE! I FELT BABY JACK MOVE!!! And guess what again? Michael felt him too! How cool is that? On Saturday evening as I was laying in bed, I started feeling these weird little feelings in my lower belly. They felt like pops. Pop. Pop. Pop! NO way?? Yes way! It was what I’ve been waiting for!!! I woke Michael up and told him what I was feeling and where, and he put his hand on the spot, and he felt it too! Then he moved his hand a little bit, and Baby Jack’s movements shifted over to where his hand rested. It was really sweet, and of course, brought some tears to my eyes, quietly of course. I didn’t want to give myself away.

Then on Wednesday night around the same time, I felt the movements, only this time, they were a LOT stronger, and once again, Michael could feel his little kicks and punches. I’m so happy, you guys. It’s so crazy how beautiful and strong my love for this little boy is without ever having hugged him or kissed him or held him or anything. It’s something I’ve heard about but never experienced until now. It’s like I would do anything in my power, in the world, to keep this baby safe, healthy and happy. I guess this is what whole bit about the mother’s love kicking in is all about, huh?

Before we get on with the show, I wanted to share a fun little quiz with you guys. So to all you expectant moms out there, if you’re looking for a little fun, check out this baby gender predictor quiz from, based off old wives’ tales! Even though I know that we’re having a baby boy, I couldn’t help but take the quiz. I’m such a quiz junkie, you guys… Anyway, I took the quiz and guess what? All the old wives’ tales are right. It predicted I was indeed having a boy. Keep in mind the quiz is all in fun, but hey, it’s a way to pass the time! Baby Gender Predictor

Weekly Pregnancy Journal Update:

How pregnant am I? 20 weeks began on Saturday, Nov 8th

How big is baby? Baby Jack weighs about 10 1/2 ounces now. He’s also around 6 1/2 inches long from head to bottom and about 10 inches from head to heel — about the size of a banana. (For the first 20 weeks, when a baby’s legs are curled up against his torso and hard to measure, measurements are taken from the top of his head to his bottom — the “crown to rump” measurement. After 20 weeks, he’s measured from head to toe.)

He’s swallowing more these days, which is good practice for his digestive system. He’s also producing meconium, a black, sticky by-product of digestion. This gooey substance will accumulate in his bowels, and you’ll see it in his first soiled diaper (some babies pass meconium in the womb or during delivery). – Thank you

Weight Gain: I actually didn’t weigh myself this week, so I have no idea! I’ll find out tomorrow at my appointment.

Body & Changes: There’s definitely no more confusion on whether or not I’m pregnant or that I consumed a large quantity of food. The bump is real, folks, and it appears that it’s here to stay! Some days its larger than others, but it never goes away as it had been for the past few weeks.

I’ve also been experiencing a little LESS heartburn than usual, which has been such a relief. Either that, or I’m getting used to it. Either way, it’s a LOT better.

There’s been some pain though, that’s been a bit disconcerting, to say the least, and yes, that’s new this week. For example, on Monday night, Michael and I took the kiddo to see Big Hero 6 at Alamo Drafthouse (AMAZING MOVIE…. Highly recommend for the whole family. HILARIOUS… And yes, it did make me cry. Twice. I honestly want to go see it again, and when it comes out on DVD, we will be buying it. Yes. We will.), and right before the movie started, I experienced one of the most horrifically painful pains of my life. EVER. It was like someone stuck me with a fire poker that was on fire itself, just below my ribcage on the left side of my body. and then moved it around. And around. Tears just sprouted in my eyes and I was really afraid…

I made my way slowly to the bathroom and sat until the pain started to go away. It was only when the fire poker subsided did I realize the pain was more of a severe cramp, and after about 5 or 6 minutes of resting on the pot, I was able to breathe, see, and wipe my tears away and walk slowly back to the theater, and take my seat. A few minutes after that, the pain was practically completely gone. I did drink about 4 HUGE glasses of water though, thinking that if it was a cramp, water would help. And I believe it did. But since then, I’ve had some more pain, but not at all near the level of Monday night. I mean, that was a whole new level for me.

Apparently this pain is pretty normal, and is related to the growing baby and the growing uterus moving my insides around. Yuck, but I’m so glad it’s normal, and I’m not having some serious problems. Phew.

Exercise: I wish…. This video FIRED ME UP!!!

Clothes: Loving my maternity shirts over the regular ones – they’re just SO much more flattering. And they’re SOFT. The materials are just like wearing a cloud. That’s right. A cloud.

What I’ve been eating: I’m still in love with ice-cold orange juice, sour candies and cheese-lettuce-mustard sandwiches. I’ve also been feeling like creamy sweet stuff is delicious… like pies and pudding. I want all of the pudding and all of the pie. And let’s not forget the Jalapeño-Cheddar thin potato chips from H-E-B’s own brand. My good Lord… Those are something special. I tell you what. But can we revisit the pie thing?

So, I had to bring pie to my bible study for our last session, and instead of baking one (I’m a really terrible food blogger these days…), I decided to visit Wimberley Pie Company, our town’s little pie-centric bakery, to grab one, along with two slices for my two men. I got a peanut butter pie for the group. For Michael, I got one of his favorites, Key Lime, and I let the little one pick out his own flavor. He went with chocolate-chip pecan. Not my favorite but hey. He gets freedom of choice.

Here’s another fun confession: I didn’t want to cook that night, so the boys went out to grab a Stouffer’s lasagna for me to “cook,” and while they were gone, I did my own quality control. I had to make sure the pie slices were OK to eat. What kind of a wife or mother would I be if I didn’t make sure they weren’t poisoned or worse! I am just doing my duty. That’s all… Hehehe…

Other than that? I’ve been eating everything. Or at least it feels like it. What is/was YOUR favorite pregnancy food at half-time?

Any Movement? Yes! Yay! Yay! Yay! Feels like pops and pokes form the inside out.

Sleep: A heck of a lot better than it had been. I’m only waking up like 1-2 times a night to pee, and other than that? I sleep. And it feels like quality sleep. I’m still exhausted pretty much all the time, but at least sleep is something close to heaven. Hallelujah.

Emotions: A bit more stable than I have been… JK. I’m not stable. I cry a LOT. A commercial for PetSmart suggesting that a Christmas gift for your pet would be a good idea got me good. And like I said, Big Hero 6 got me. TWICE.

Purchases: I got 3 new long-sleeved maternity shirts, 1 from Old Navy, and two from Destination Maternity at the Prime Outlets in San Marcos. I mean, come on… Old Navy was having a 40% off sale, and DM had a Buy One Get One Free sale on the shirts, so clearly I had to go for it and just get them. Duh. Unrelated to pregnancy, I am so fired up about the Sephora Favorites Superstars kit I got, a 12-piece set valued at $225, featuring Nars, Stila and Anastasia! I can’t wait until it arrives… I’m in love with all of the products inside this kit, and can’t wait to play with some of the fun new goodies inside!

What I miss: Nothing right now. I’m all good. Things are good.

What I’m looking forward to: TOMORROW’S 3D/4D ULTRASOUND GROWTH SCAN!!!! And also feeling Baby Jack some more OH and a bigger bump.

Best Moment of the Week: Feeling Baby Jack’s little pokes and pops in my belly, and seeing the joy on Michael’s face as he felt his little movements too. I’m REALLY excited about tomorrow’s scan, and it’s technically part of this week, but we haven’t had it yet so…