My Pregnancy Journal: 15 Weeks

By Slowdownandsavor

How far along? 15 weeks began Saturday, October 4th, 2014.

How big is baby? Right now, the baby is the size of a navel orange. The average fetus at 15 weeks weighs 2.5 ounces and measures 4 inches — and his proportions are becoming even more normal, since his legs now out-measure his arms. No more alien baby! It’s a real human baby!

Weight Gain: +1, so +9 total pounds.

Body & Changes: I’m for sure getting bigger. Well, let me be clear about that. My belly is getting bigger, and it looks like my hips might be widening as well. That hip part might just be a figment of my imagination, but I swear my curves are getting curvier. I am woman! Hear me roar! But the rest of me isn’t getting any bigger. It’s bizarre. Who am I kidding? This whole pregnancy thing is bizarre.

Speaking of bumps and things that are bizarre, my bump is bizarre. I wake up in the morning with a barely there little wee bump, but by the end of the day, it really pops! There’s actually a huge, noticeable difference between day, afternoon and night when it comes to Baby Jack’s little home, and it’s pretty dang cool. Plus, people are starting to think I’m pregnant rather than assuming I raided the breakfast taco stand for 3 hours straight. I had TWO people ask me if I was pregnant this week, which was both cool and, once again, bizarre.

I’m no longer experiencing any morning sickness, THANK YOU JESUS. But I am still wildly exhausted, and by the time 2 p.m. hits, I’m ready to call it a night. Seriously. But I can’t, since I have to go pick the kiddo up at school, do homework, clean up, cook dinner, clean up, put the kiddo to bed… and I can’t seriously justify going to sleep at 8:30 p.m. all the time… Sometimes, yes. But not every night. Darn it. I’m still waiting for that 2nd trimester promise of energy. It’ll come, I know it. Just… hopefully soon! Fingers crossed.

I’ve also noticed that breathing is becoming more “labored” when I go for walks or do much of anything. I’ve read that it’s normal, so I’m not worried about it – it’s just gross to get out of breath so quickly! Yucky!

Exercise: Walking, yoga on YouTube, and occasional swimming at the recreational center the next town over. I still LOVE yoga.

Opening up those joints, and stretching those muscles really makes a difference. Dang I love it… But I still love corpse and child’s poses best of all. They’re the best, and anyone who says otherwise obviously just has no idea what they’re talking about.

Clothes: My mom took me shopping for my birthday, and we found ourselves at A Pea in the Pod maternity store, where I got my first pairs of maternity jeans, and a couple other cute things. Now, I have to confess, I am IN LOVE with the jeans. I don’t know why people don’t just always wear maternity jeans forever. Beyond comfy, my word…

Other than the new maternity wear, I’m able to continue wearing my pre-preggo shorts, but by the end of the night, I cannot WAIT to get out of them. Same was with my bras. Regular under-wire bras were causing me a LOT of pain, so I ended up grabbing a new one at Victoria’s Secret a size up, and I’m feeling MUCH better. Ahh, sweet relief.

What I’ve been eating:

Cravings: Soft serve vanilla ice cream, frozen yogurt, sour candy

Aversions: Eggs. It’s weird because last week I was all about eggs. I ate like 8 eggs one day, and didn’t have any sort of bad experience or anything. I just don’t like eggs any more. At. All. I also just gagged when I checked on my enchiladas… The smell of melted cheese is something horrifying. When did THAT happen? I LOVE CHEESE…

I’m getting full a lot faster these days too, so I’ve started having a lot of small meal/snacks, and I’ve been doing my best to incorporate healthy things like fruit and veggies into my snacks. It’s hard because I’m not really wanting the fruits and veggies, but I know it’s important.

Any Movement? Still none!

Sleep: My sleep is bad, you guys. It’s just plain bad. Between the indigestion (thanks for the advice guys – I really DO need to get Prilosec for sure…) and just the inability to just get comfy, I’ve been suffering in this department, which just makes me feel worn out and tired all day every day. Ugh.


Emotions: I find that the little things are STILL sending me into a tear-fest, but it’s not as bad as it has been. I did hit a squirrel while I was driving home the other day, and that sent me on a tailspin. I couldn’t stop thinking about it through the rest of the day, and every time it came back into my mind, the pain water escaped through my eyes once again.

Purchases: 2 pairs of maternity jeans, 1 sweater, 1 sweatshirt, 1 bra


What I miss: Being able to eat whatever I wanted without feeling yucky & having energy. I also miss wine. I really wanted a glass of red wine the past few nights, so that stinks.

What I’m looking forward to: Besides meeting our little man, I’m looking forward to the energy I’m promised to get back, and feeling the baby move in my belly. I’m also excited to have a bigger pregnant belly!

Milestones: People coming out of no where asking if I’m pregnant, and more unsolicited belly rubs and touches.

  • Week 13
  • Week 14
  • Gender Reveal