I don't really know what benefits this will bring for the blog but I can instantly feel a level of seriousness that was not there earlier.
I have been trying to do this for the past few weeks and I finally succeeded..so proud that a technologically challenged person like me could finally get this done.
Was it easy??
I thought it would be as easy as pie but boy was I mistaken...
Here is my journey from .blogspot.com to .com
Step 1: Pick your domain name host. I picked godaddy.com simply because it is the only one I
knew of, the only one that people were talking about.
I think you can get your own domain name from blogger itself for about $50 a year. I think
doing this would be easier.
Step 2: Check if your domain name is available.
Step 3: If yes buy it..if not change the domain name or bid and try and get it from the owner.
Step 4: Now the confusing bit..you need to modify the DNS in go daddy and then update blogger
settings. I will leave this bit to the experts..This is the only tutorial I found useful
Shifting blogger blog to Godaddy domain
Step 5: After this is done, you need to do 'forwarding' on Godaddy so that whether someone types
the 'www.' or not it takes them to your site.
Step 6: Hit save and feel the pride, joy and satisfaction..
Phew!! whoever thought a godaddy domain transfer was childs play...
and whoever thought writing a fashion blog was just about fashion..ha
But is it worth it...YUP it totally is :)
want to look good and feel fab always?? Join us lookingoodfeelingfab.blogspot.in