My New Year Weight Loss Journey

By K @stylesocoy
This is a bit of an embarrassing post but I'm hoping that it will make me accountable for the changes that I want to make in my life.
In the past 12 months I've put on about a stone and I intend to loose it starting now.
Here are the facts. The NHS say that a healthy BMI is anywhere in the range of 18.5-25. This means for my height, to remain healthy, I should weigh between 8 stone 10 and 11 stone 10.

Sorry about the nail polish I'll sort that out for next time!!
I'm 5 ft 8, so obviously I will always weigh more than someone who is smaller. My BMI is in the healthy weight range at 22.67 (this is according to the NHS BMI calculator). This is where it becomes controversial. I know I'm not fat, with that said I could stand to loose a few pounds. The only person that I'm doing this for is me and the biggest reason is that I just don't hold any extra weight well at all. My face gets bloated and I really hate it!!
As I get older I am definitely finding it harder to shift the pounds when I gain them. So this is kind of a prevention to stop a problem happening, an intervention if you will! I just want to fit comfortably in the clothes that I already have, because, lets face it, it would cost me a small fortune to replace them all.
I intend to do a post like this every Tuesday, so wish me luck!