My New Year’s Resolution Reading Challenge #NewYearBooks

By Joyweesemoll @joyweesemoll

Signing up for my own challenge! If you think a book will help you get a good start on your New Year goals, resolutions, or projects, check out the New Year’s Resolution Reading Challenge.

I’m signing up at the Passionate level of four books to support my resolutions.

Resolution 1: Kick my addiction to outrage, supported by Twelve Steps to a Compassionate Life by Karen Armstrong

Resolution 2: Write a travel article, supported by The Lonely Planet’s Guide to Travel Writing by Don George

Resolution 3: Learn about the e-book business supported by one of several titles available at the library.

Resolution 4: ? supported by the book we choose for the #NewYearBooks Read-Along.

What do you want to accomplish in 2016? What books might help? Let me know if you want suggestions — I’ve compiled a few ideas from hosting previous years of the New Year’s Resolution Reading Challenge.