My New Invention

By Brisdon @shutuprun
You guys, I got the best souvenir from the Leadville Marathon (race report HERE) last weekend!
A huge cold sore that encompasses the entirety of my lower lip! It is pussy (puss-ee, get your mind out of he gutter), swollen, angry and disgusting. If it is raining, you can come stand under my lip! If only there weren't the icky blisters, I might look sexy and like I got lip injections. So not the case.
I would post a picture, but no one needs to see that. Unless you are a lip doctor and can do something about this mother f&%cker.
So, typically after a marathon I would take quite a time to recover. But since I am trying to train myself to run on tired legs, I did no such thing. I took Sunday and Monday off. Then:
Tuesday: 4 miles (God help my legs)
Wednesday: 8 miles (hot, slow)
Thursday: 12 miles (hot slow)
Friday: 6 miles
Sunday (planned Strip Run in Vegas): 6 miles
All runs felt sluggish. But, duh.
So, today I head off to Tempe, AZ to take Sam to ASU orientation. 118 degrees rocks! Then Erika and I are sending Sam back to Denver and we are heading to Vegas for some debauchery. I plan to lose all of my money, get a headache from smoke and drink a tad too much all in the name of fun.

 I am not expecting to talk to anyone because everyone balks at a cold sore and doesn't want to be your friend. It really does make you look like a monster.
Today when I was running and trying not to think about how much I didn't want to be running, I decided someone should invent a mini-visor for your lips. I use sunscreen on my lips, but when I have huge blisters, that becomes difficult and painful. So, a lip visor is clearly in order. Shark Tank, I'm coming for you. Mark Cuban loves a good mini lip visor. (It doesn't exist, I checked).
Do you get mean, angry cold sores? What's your remedy? I only get them from the sun. I should have re-applied on Saturday, but I was too distracted by running a marathon.
Vegas: Love or hate? I am a HUGE Vegas fan (in moderation). I love playing blackjack (and losing)