My New Gym Buddy – Beet It!

By Clo Hutch @lashesoflife

I’m always looking for ways to maximise my gym sessions, performance and the effects of exercise. Make everything count even more! When you put so much effort into working out, you might as well reap maximum benefits!

Recently I was introduced to these beauties…

Beet It bars – The World’s first high nitrate sport bar which has been designed to boost strength and sporting performance naturally.

Key facts to know: Beetroot juice is uniquely high in natural dietary nitrate. I’m not going to bore you with the science…but Nitrate helps to increase blood flow and oxygen supply to the muscles, with a significant impact on strength and endurance.

Beet It Bars contain 400mg of natural dietary nitrate, the equivalent to about half a liter of beetroot juice!

I’ve had one of these before a few sessions now and think they’re fab!

The bar doesn’t taste over beetroot-y and is in the form of a flapjack. It is slightly crumbly but a really nice texture – It still softens in your mouth. It is pretty sweet, but I think this makes it delicious. The oats in the bar also help to give a nice slow release of energy.

The times I have eaten the sports bar before a workout I truly do think it improved my performance. The first time, I just felt like I was go,go,go…I got back from the gym and carried on with my abs workout in my bedroom. The second time I stayed in the gym after a legs, bums and tums class (which almost killed me! So many weighted lunges, squats and burpees) and went for a run before doing some work on my abs too!

I don’t think it could be psychological (thinking I’ve eaten something to make me better so I’ll work out more) because I am pretty motivated when it comes to working out anyway. So it must be doing something to my endurance and stamina!

They’re just the right size to take to work for the commute home if you’re an after work gym body, or for throughout the day – It says to eat them 1-12 hours before your workout. I even had one one morning for breakfast before a fitness class.

I haven’t tried the shots, but do think this is a better alternative for me. And with only 235 kcal per bar, I don’t feel guilty as it will soon be burned off too!

If your new year’s resolution is to exercise more and improve fitness, this will be a perfect partner to help you out. They’ll be on my shopping list from now on for sure!

Now just to find my perfect protein partner for after working out….

The BEET IT Sport Pro-Elite bar and the BEET IT Sport shots are available from Holland and Barrett priced at about £1.95. Boxes of 15 x 60g bars and 15 x 7cl shots are available online from Amazon priced at £23.50 and .

I hope you like them as much as I do!

Chloe xx

*I was sent samples to review. All views are my own*