My New Book - Deliciously Ella

By Sue15cat

I know this year is all about 'Needs not Wants', but I decided I did need a couple of new books, which felt strange for me because usually I buy books because I see or hear about them and decide I want them.  These I sought out.
The other couple of books I am reading at the moment  are on the Amazon linky thing on the sidebar, so you can nip over and find out more about them, and read other people reviews about them if you want to.    It's unusual for me to have four on the go at once, but I am dipping into each as and when I have time.

This book, Deliciously Ella, is by a fellow Blogger whose blog of the same name is HERE.
I'm not going to go into depth about the book but if you want to read why she started her blog, healthy lifestyle and then eventually wrote the book you can read a little bit more about her here in her own words.

Needless to say after the effects a lot of foods I have been eating very regularly have been having on me recently, I thought reading a book like this could only be beneficial.  I wish I was so single-minded that I could transform my diet and lifestyle the way she did, but I suppose when you were as ill as she was it's easier, or maybe I should say more important, to just snap to and just get on with it.

Tutu's Ethiopian Table
At the weekend I went down to stay in Lovely Hubby's southern digs for a few days away from the old farmstead.  He had booked a treat that was right up my street.  I've found vegetarian options hard to find and the ones I have found have been pretty bog standard in cafes and restaurants since moving to North Wales, so he had sought out and tried out with his mates a brilliant Ethiopian cafe/restaurant in central Reading.  Most of the dishes were vegan, with a small selection of meat sides if required (how refreshing to have meat on the side for once).
The food was delicious,  we chose to try the Veggy Lover Sharing Platter, which came with 4 Injeras  which are pancake-like thin breads to scoop up the curried and spiced vegetables with, and a bowl of rice to share.  Although I asked Lovely Hubby if he wanted some meat he stuck with the vegetarian option and thoroughly enjoyed it.
Not being used to the amount of lentils, chickpeas and vegetables both our tummies were making strange noises late into the evening and for most of the next day, but the food was absolutely delicious and it has inspired me to play around with lentils and other pulses much more.
It ties in nicely with my new book then, and my hopeful switch away from dairy.
Talking of which I had a vegetable curry last night, I completely cheated and decided to use some frozen vegetables and a jar of Tikka Masala curry sauce, one of my old favourites ....BIG MISTAKE.  I had milder symptoms of the other night when I woke this morning, so I read the label of another identical jar that is in the cupboard .... guess what .... 6% Double Cream ... DUH.  I should have read the label first!!
You live and learn.  Less of the jars and more cooking from scratch for me from now on.
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Finally .... can I just say a big THANK YOU for all the fabulous comments yesterday.  They are very appreciated.  It seems there are a lot of us and our families too that have changed or are changing their diets to more healthy ones, either through necessity or just a desire to do so.
It makes reading my new book even more important to me 
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Sue xx