My New Best Friend

By Bakerquigs @bakerquigs
“Would you like something to eat?” asks Vincenzo in his thick Italian accent moments after I get settled at the cluttered desk I share with Dan.  “No thank you,” I reply.  

I don’t want to be rude but I already had a large vanilla latte (my morning ritual.  You see, I am a certified coffee addict, though on the road to recovery as I have just admitted to all of you that I do indeed have a problem) a breakfast bar, and a banana.  I am not sure if it’s the language barrier or his persistent politeness but moments later he is back with not one but TWO pastries! Which vanished within seconds.  The next day, it was the same thing only this time it’s a blueberry muffin. And then after lunch I “just HAD to try the new banana cake recipe,” although I have to admit it was worth the guilt I now feel.  I thought I was done with the sweets for the day but no, I was sent home with a cake, and not a slice of cake, not a small 8’ cake no a full on, birthday party sized chocolate mousse cake. By now I am sure it’s not a cross-cultural communications problem we are having but a plot to plump me up. To avoid eating the whole thing myself, I invited every girl I knew over, because as everyone knows girls inhale chocolate easier than air.  Aalst, after all my attempts to ward off the sweets, I had two (quite large) slices, and by now, quite a good sugar buzz.  At least all this cake eating will provide some cushioning for this hard chair I sit in for 6 hours…

With swimsuit season coming up I have a feeling that my trainers are going to be my best friend.  And so will these...