My New Baby!

By Sarahohm @sarahohm
Hey loveys!
Well - today is Monday, my favorite day of the week! I didn't get a chance to post yesterday because it was an insane day... let me tell you :). You all know what I ended up doing on Saturday during the day, so I'll start on Saturday night when we went out on our double date. It was so much fun!! We met at our local watering hole, Williams Landing, and just chit chated and had some drinks! We stayed out and talked until almost 2am! Then we went to Hero Burger to get some post-drinks food, where I decided I wanted a salmon burger on a gluten-free bun with brie cheese and my usual toppings. Omg it was so good. I think I forgot how much I love burgers. Le sigh.... Here are a couple of photos snapped that night!

Sunday was a fairly insane day. I had plans to meet my friend Katie for coffee however we had a lot to do before that happened. C and I found out that today we were having a couple guys come in to help us redo our kitchen and bathroom, so we had to go out to get the last of the supplies that we needed. We went to Home Depot and they were 1 tile short, so we had to trek over to a Lowes that was down the street... they didn't end up having the tile, so hopefully they don't mess up. Lol. C has known for a while that I've been in the market for a juicer, so he's always keeping his eye out for me. We looked in both Home Depot and Lowes, and neither had a juicer.. so we walked over to Canadian Tire, and they didn't have a good one either. There was a Bed, Bath & Beyond in the area so we dropped in there to check out and see if there was any juicers. Guess what???

My new baby!

THEY HAD A JUICER!!! And we bought it :). It's the Breville Juice Fountain Elite... I'm so excited to finally have a juicer, however it's huge and it sounds like a rocket ship because of the motor, so I only use it on low, I get a bit nervous when it's on high. We also bought The Juicing Bible when we were there so I had lots of juice recipes to try! I bet you're wondering what juices I've made so far? Well, only two, but they're both SO good.

Liquid Salsa

This one is a recipe out of The Juicing Bible and has 2 whole tomatoes, 1/4 of an onion, 1 jalapeno pepper, 6 sprigs of cilantro and half a lime. It literally tastes like salsa. I took it for breakfast but couldn't finish it all. It was good for a little while but sipping on salsa got a bit much lol.

My Own Fruity Juice

This one consists of some stuff in the frige that we wanted to get rid of lol. So in this there is about 1 cup of green grapes, 1 orange, like 6 full strawberries and 2 large chunks of pineapple. It tastes so good!! Haha, I'm going to love this juicing thing. I can't wait to make my first green juice! It's neat to see how the juice separates, it makes me feel good because you know it's fresh, there's no added anything or chemicals or whatever, it's literally just fruits and vegetables! 
I recently wrote a guest blog post for The Healthy Maven about the benefits of juicing so I'm going to summarize it and share some of the benefits with you!
  1. Juicing helps you absorb all the nutrients from vegetables. Because most of us have less than optimum digestion due to some unhealthy food choices, juicing helps the vegetables and fruits pretty much “pre-digest” themselves so that when it gets into your body, it’s absorbed rather than flushing it away with bodily wastes.
  2. Juicing allows you to consume an optimal amount of vegetables in an efficient manner. Just like I mentioned above, it’s a lot easier to drink the juice of 5 apples rather than eat all 5 apples. 1 cup of vegetable juice contains about 10g of carbohydrates, so if you love your carbs, making some fresh veggie juice is a quick way to get some extra carbs!
  3. You can add a wider variety of vegetables into your diet. This week a friend of mine showed me a picture of beet, apple and ginger juice that she made. Would you ever think of eating beets with an apple and some shredded ginger? You may never eat ginger at all, so juicing allows us to open the doors to all types of fruits and veggies we wouldn’t normally eat and in turn, absorb the nutrients that those foods provide us.
So there you have it. Awesome right? I can't wait to do more juicey experimenting! I will admit that the thing is kind of an annoying pain to clean, but it's pretty much worth it. In my next post I'll be showing you all some before and after photos of our kitchen and bathroom! I can't wait to show you, it looks so good!!!Q: How was your Monday? Q: Do you have a juicer?
Q: What's your favorite juice recipe if you do juice?