My Must-Haves for Fall

By Erynecarter06

I’m in denial that summer is officially over. Today is the first official day of fall, even though fall has been teasing on and off for a couple of weeks now. Up here in New England, we’ve had a variety of 50-60 degrees, sprinkled in with a few 80-90 degree days, and a lot of 30-40 degree mornings!

While I’m in denial that summer 2014 is behind us, I am looking forward to fall. I love everything about fall. The flavors, the clothing, the colors, the crispness in the air, the lack of allergies (until the leaves start to fall of course…), and the holidays that follow. What I don’t like? Our cold New England winters. Dislike.

As fall approached, I started to think hard about what items I have to have for fall every year, along with what things I really wanted for fall this year. I hope you enjoy!

1. Pumpkin-flavored anything. Pumpkin Coffee. Pumpkin Beer. Pumpkin Bread. Pretty much pumpkin everything. I love pumpkin!

2. Riding Boots. And not the kind I actually ride in. I have a few pairs of these already. I love them. They look cute with jeans, dresses or sweaters. While I probably won’t need to buy any this year… I would LOVE to be able to own a pair of Frye Boots. Or maybe these adorable boots.

3. My camera. Probably a given. I mean… I always have a camera with me. But I love taking fall photos. I feel like the sunsets are always better. The colors are always better. And the lighting in general is just better. At least until daylight savings kicks in. Then I don’t leave my house.

4. My space heater. Okay. Let’s be honest for a quick minute. I need this stupid thing year-round. My office is quite comfortable temperature wise. But I’m ALWAYS cold. Like even on 90 degree days with the AC going. Freezing. But the second the temperature dips below 60 degrees, that bad boy is running overtime. I wish I wasn’t such a cold person (cue mocking jokes here…) but I freeze.

5. Crockpot. I love my crockpot. I don’t use it nearly as much as should. And I always forget that I can dump stuff in it in the AM and go to work, but on weekends it’s a god send. Specifically for Patriots games. When we make pulled pork (which is happened this weekend.) But my goal for fall is to use it much more often.

6. Ugg boots. Part of me doesn’t even want to admit to owning these… but I love them. And I always will. I used to go through at least 2-3 pairs of the bear paw boots every year. I finally sucked it up and bought real Uggs three years ago. And another pair two years ago. And neither pair need to be replaced. I swear, they are indestructible.

 7. Sweaters. I think one of the reasons I love fall is for the adorable sweaters. And I’m always on the lookout for cute new ones. Thankfully, I bought a bunch last winter, and hadn’t worn them yet, so I should be able to get another season out of them.

And my latest addition to my Must-Haves for Fall….

Hot Pink Crutch Covers. Obviously… this isn’t something I intended or normally would suggest for fall. But since I’ll be on crutches for the next 4 weeks, I might as well enjoy the way they look for the time being!

So tell me… what are your fall must-haves?