My Most Exciting Professional News To Date AND Themeless Thursday (With Lots of Awesome Rooms)
By Southshoredecoratingblog
So you know how yesterday was my birthday? Thank you all SO much for the well wishes (and for saying 44 is still young :)
Well, I got home from an awesome day off with my husband where he totally spoiled me, and I found this waiting for me in a FedEx package:
Just inside the front cover, this:
That gray room is my house!! I know it's small and I know it's an ad, but I am still over the moon excited :) Best birthday surprise EVER. I thought it would be out in 8 more days, but the advance copy came early. I happen to think it might be the worst photo I ever took of my house, but that's just me I guess. Anyway, I never thought my work would be in Sherwin Williams ad, so color me happy!
It's almost the weekend!! My sister is coming home from NJ, and I can't wait to see her and the boys. I hope you all have great days....see you tomorrow.
There are two excellent sales ending tomorrow:
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