My Morning with Garnier BB Cream

By Lovelybylucy @lovelybylucy

Before I went to NYC, I shared a sneek peak with you guys on my instagram, when I had an entire crew from Garnier in my (not very big) studio. They were there to film my morning routine, which we thought would be fun to share with my readers and give you a bit of insight into what my mornings look like!
A peek into my life it surely is, even revealing something probably 99% of you have never seen: me without make up. Ehmmm, yes.
Anyways, here’s the video! It shows you my morning routine, which is quite calm and easy, as I’m not one to rush in the morning. It also shows you that I’ve been using the Garnier BB cream for a while now and for me it’s a great product for every day use, especially since I usually don’t want to wear too much make up on my skin. Hope you guys like the video! :)

Find more info on and enter the competition to win one of the 100 BBMornings surprise packages: all you have to do is upload a picture of your favorite moment during your morning ritual here!