My Monday Musts

By Sparkleandshinesami

Happy Monday, readers!

Hope you all had a sparkling and shining week! I know I say every week is crazy and hectic, but this past week seemed to have take the cake for busiest week of summer yet.

I spent Monday in Pennsylvania with some of my college best friends. We went hiking to a water fall, stuffed our faces in Chinese food, and caught up on what we’ve missed in each other’s lives for the month we’ve been apart. Though we use the GroupMe app everyday to stay in touch, it was so nice to finally get to be together!

This past week held a lot of exciting opportunities for Sparkle and Shine. Two of them will be explained in this week’s Monday Musts. Before we jump into them, I just want to remind you about my partnership with The Collegiate Standard! Use coupon code SAMI10 to get 10% off your purchase! Plus, money from your purchase will go towards whatever Greek organization you made your purchase for. You can read more about it in yesterday’s blog post.

Now that you’ve read about The Collegiate Standard – and made a purchase – it’s time for you to read what made it onto this week’s Monday Musts!

1. I’m now a Makeoverly Expert!

Makeoverly is first EVER online Q&A magazine for beauty and fashion. Ask your question and fashion and beauty bloggers, make up artists, journalists, and others experts answer your questions. After checking out Sparkle and Shine, Makeoverly decided that I would make for a good expert. Head on over to the site and ask any fashion or beauty question you may have, then have it answered by myself and other experts!

2. I’m now a member of 20 Something Bloggers

Have you noticed that new badge on the side saying “I’m a Member of 20 Something Bloggers” yet? Well, go check it out because I am now a member! The application based blogging network accepted me this week to connect with other 20 something year old bloggers from around the web. I’ve only been in this network for a few days, but I’ve already learned that there are so many great opportunities! I can’t wait to see what else 20SB will bring for Sparkle and Shine!

3. “Toxic” By Sara Shephard

This past week Sara Shephard release the 15th novel in the “Pretty Little Liars” novel series, which happens to be the second to last novel in the series!  It’s summertime in Rosewood and the police believe that it’s been weeks since they put to end murderous A’s reign of terror. However, the Liars know that the real A is still out there and that nothing in Rosewood will ever be the same while A is still on the loose. While dealing with A, Hannah is offered the role of a lifetime in a movie about her own life. Aria’s artwork goes viral. Spencer starts an antibullying blog, but things don’t seem to go as positive for her as Sparkle and Shine has been doing for me. Finally, Emily ends up doing whatever it takes to reconnect with her one true love – even if that means ending up behind bars. While all the girls are all wrapped up in their own lives, they must remember A will stop at nothing to bring them down. I’m so excited to start the novel and continue on with my PLL obsession!

And that Pretty Little Liars obsession of mine can continue – with the start of the newest season on ABC Family premiering tomorrow! ABC Family, Seventeen Magazine, and Sparkle and Shine has partnered up to host a Pretty Little Liars viewing party. Nine of my friends and I will be celebrating the premiere of the newest season at my house tomorrow night with fun goodies from ABC Family – just another perk of the Seventeen Magazine Social Club!

Tune into Pretty Little Liars tomorrow night, have an amazing week, and keep sparkling!