My Monday Musts

By Sparkleandshinesami

Happy Monday, readers!

While I’m enjoying some nice R&R while on Spring Break, I’m trading in any beach bum adventures for laying in my Breakfast at Tiffany’s themed bedroom, reading, blogging, and binge watching Criminal Minds (and preparing myself, and my liver, for my 21st birthday on Sunday!). However, I truly do need this time to rest, relax, and just put on a face mask while wearing my favorite fuzzy socks because I have had a ton of great news happening for me these past few days.

First off, I got my first internship! I am now an editorial intern for, writing on celebrity gossip, television recaps, and all things related to Hollywood! I officially start this week and can’t wait to dive right in – snuggled up in bed, freshly manicured fingers typing away at the computer! Stay connected with me on Twitter to read my posts, which I will be tweeting and retweeting.

I am the newest News Director elect for my school’s TV station! Overall, I have gotten super involved with my school’s television station – living and breathing journalism. On Wednesday alone, I did work for the station from 11 am until 10:30 p.m. and let me tell you readers, I loved it! It was in that moment that I realized that I truly am doing exactly what I love and can’t wait to continue to do it as my career. Well, it is a good thing that I realized this because I was elected to the News Director position. This means, whenever there is any breaking news I will be the first one on the scene, tweeting about what is happening, putting together a web write up, and getting footage. Plus, I will have a lot more behind the scenes work to do on our school’s newscast. I did the weather in our last newscast, as well as put together a package on the snow mounds around campus! Check it out here.

Blazer: Forever 21 | Top: Dressbarn | Leggings: Victoria’s Secret Pink |Boots: DSW

I was elected into the National Residence Hall Honorary Society! On Quinnipiac’s campus, this organization only accepts the top one percent of student leaders. I am honored to be classified in that group. The National Organization is based upon “honorary comprised of exemplary residential students who value recognition and service.”  I am excited to be inducted in April to this group of other driven student leaders to help honor other star leaders on campus.

I am returning as a Resident Assistant to my building again next year! The most rewarding experience of my life has been becoming an Resident Assistant, as I have explained time and time again on here. As the process of rehiring and getting placed in residence halls for next year came quickly, I was getting so nervous. First off, I absolutely wanted to stay with freshmen. I don’t think I could ask for a more rewarding experience that being a “big sister” role for 20-something 18 year olds as they begin to find their place in college. More over, I don’t think I would have gotten such an incredible experience if I was in a different residence hall. Lucky enough for me, I will be returning to Irma/Dana for another fun-filled year!

Also, coming up I have my 21st birthday, a bunch of my friend’s turning 21, my first time hitting the bars with my big, my junior year formal, and my 21st birthday open bar! Here’s to March being one incredible month, filled with plenty more good times and even more good news!