My Marriage Is Over – The Real Supermum

By Therealsupermum @TheRealSupermum

Matt I I have been together for almost 5 years now, we married eight months ago. We have three children together aged one, two and three and this morning we sat at the kitchen table and both decided that our marriage was over.

Lets take a look at our five years together:

I had been in an eleven year relationship, it consisted of domestic violence. You could say when I met Matt six months after fleeing that I was damaged goods. I had three children and a lot of baggage but he became my best friend and the first person I was able to confide in.

We met online, we spoke daily for six months before we arranged to meet on mutual ground. The following week he came to meet the children, the kids loved him and he just seemed to slot it. A week later he moved in. Within six weeks of living together we found we were expecting our first baby.

He broke my heart and my faith in him when he had an online affair, during the pregnancy with our second child. But we worked it out and it made us stronger. I was diagnosed with Bipolar during the our third pregnancy and for the two years that followed I don’t recall much.

We had three babies in three years – quite a shock to any couple.

This last year has seen a gruesome court battle due to contact with my ex and the three eldest children. We have social services involved in the family as they are on the safeguard register due to my ex husband. We made peace with my ex, so things have calmed down somewhat.

We have meetings and appointments, my mental health has improved greatly but I have and will always have Bipolar. He has to live with two of me, not an easy task for anyone. He has to deal with three children who are not his who at times have screamed “ Your not my dad”.

Matt is my best friend, my husband, a fantastic daddy to our three babies, a wonderful step father to my three eldest children, he is my rock. Yet we forget about us as we are far too busy being parents and trying to make sense of the mess around us.

We then have the three babies – anyone who has a one, two and three year old will know how difficult that is. Yes our house is complete madness.

I guess lack of sleep, the past that continues to haunt me has taken its toll and we both just had enough.

We have forgotten who we are, we are just mom and dad. In the five years together we have had one night out together.

We both have talked for the first time in a long time – I have been moaning (as usual) as our bedroom desperately needs decorating. Matt went upstairs to give us both some space and so he could pack his belongings.

I went up to the bedroom to see he was OK to find this on my bedroom wall ….

I had to laugh and it broke the ice – back we go to being mom and dad.

So if your local to me and reading this I really do need a babysitter!!!