My Mama

By Omamas @jeannjeannie

I’m one of those gals that still calls her mom every single day… usually for no special reason.

And with all the mama stuff we talk about here… is only seemed right that I introduce you all to my mom.

She’s kind, loyal, compassionate, forgiving and fun…

Not to mention… she’s a phenomenal Grammy. 

And those days when I feel like this mothering gig is too much to handle, I remember she raised 4 of us and made it through just fine (and trust me… we put my parents through the ringer).

She is such a special person, and everyone who knows her agrees.

And since I can’t make the trek from Montana to Texas to celebrate her this weekend, I just wanted to take up a tiny slice of the internet to say I LOVE YOU MOM!


***Just a little time left to enter our Mother’s Day Giveaway!***