My Mac Lipstick Collection

By Teaantoast @teaantoastblog

I'm ashamed to say that it was only a month ago I purchased my first Mac Lipstick. I have always been a drugstore kind of girl, having never really earned a huge amount of money working in retail I always thought the likes of Mac were way out of my budget. That was a total misconception and I think if you try products on and test things out properly there is no money wasting involved at all. When I was much younger and would treat myself to a high end products I would always purchase products which everyone was raving about, or friends said they used/liked rather than what actually suited me. Which is where I would waste a lot of money and I guess created this idea of higher end brands being too much money and I would solely stick to shopping in Boots and Superdrug.

1. MAC Frost Lipstick - Barcelona Red (discontinued)
2. MAC Lustre - Costa Chic (I think! The name has rubbed off at the bottom)
3. MAC Satin Lipstick- Twig
4. Mac Retro Matte Lipstick - Ruby Woo
5. MAC Cremesheen Lipstick - Creme D'Nude

Barcelona Red and Costa Chic was given to me a few years ago by someone which was the first time I ever owned a Mac Lipstick. I absolutely adore Costa Chic in the summer, it's such a beautiful bright color.

I then brought Twig last month which at the moment I'm wearing as an everyday lipstick. Ruby Woo and Creme D'Nude was a birthday present (pretty awesome presents!!) I LOOOOOVE Ruby Woo!!!! It makes my teeth look so white! I like wearing Creme D'Nude when I have a heavy eye look as it's a real natural color.

I can see an obsession starting to happen here, I'm already looking at what color to buy next so if you have any recommendations - let me know!