My Little Boys Are Ameri-Aussies and I'm Giving Them Tall Poppy Syndrome

By Floridagirlinsydney
Last night while he sat in the bathtub, my raspy-voiced seven year-old asked in his Ameri-Aussie accent, "Mum, have you ev-ah her-d the soong 'The Star-Strangled Banner'?" Omigod, I nearly peed in my pants-- the Star Strangled Banner???
I'm now officially quite sure, Angelina and Brad's kids would definitely put mine to shame in the "knowing-about-the-country-you-came-from" category.  Wow.
I said, "Of course I know that song honey-- it's called the 'Star Spangled Banner'; though, I did think your name for it was very awesome too."  And then, I did what any other really wacky parent would do... I busted out in an unusually loud and dramatic rendition of our national anthem.  And it wasn't pretty--- though it was quite fun.  So fun in fact, that in my tiny bathroom with tiled walls, I must have sang it eight or nine times.  Did I mention it was loud?
Anyway, we ended up googling the lyrics (which there were a few I was unsure of) and singing along to them until bedtime.  Needless to say, I'm sure my husband wanted to kill me-- and I'm guessing our neighbors would have helped.
On a completely different topic, living here in Australia has given me a new perspective on so-called bragging-rights.  I never was shy about telling people how awesome my kids were-- until I finally realized that that's not the way most people do things here.
Instead of the mentality I grew up with, which was along the lines of-- everyone is good at something and if you've got it flaunt it.
So you can take Florida Girl out of America, but you can't take America out of Florida Girl, so that being said... I feel like showing off my little guys once in a while, and I'm going to right now...
My seven year old is an amazing tennis player if I do say so myself.  Here's proof:

And my little guy is a creative sponge and plans on "being famous" when he grows up.  I figured I'd give him a head start here... can't hurt, right?

It's as if the talent in our house is seemingly endless...
So don't be hatin' or cuttin' down these poppies, mate.