My List of 30 Relatable Personal Goal Ideas To Try This Year

By A Girl In Nyc - Lifestyle Blog

In the past, I've mentioned how I'm not one for making New Year's resolutions. Then I also make a point of including fun things that will bring more enjoyment, like trying a new class, planning a vacation, and exploring a new neighborhood. I believe if you want to make a positive change, it shouldn't take the clock striking midnight to make it happen. I do, however, like to make a list of goals ( these are mine from 2019 ) along with small things I'd like to do at the start of the new year. These are anything from tiny improvements to my personal well-being (like updating my fitness regimen and drinking more water), to organizing and deep cleaning my apartment. Here's my list of 30 relatable personal goal ideas to try this year.

Clean out my pantry and get rid of expired condiments, mixes, and sauces.

Use my planner to stay organized. (Here are my last year's tips on how I used it effectively.)

Send a thank-you note to anyone I exchanged holiday gifts with.

Set SMART goals at the start of each month and follow through with achieving them.

Deep clean my apartment and toss/donate unused or unwanted items. Some areas that need extra work: closet, catch-all drawers, under sinks and beds, filing cabinets, bathroom vanity, nightstand, refrigerator, and pantry.

Change up my fitness routine (so it won't become a tedious task, versus something I look forward to). For Christmas, I received a wellness planner and I'm going to use it to maintain all my health and fitness goals. #1 is to drink more water!

Stock up on rainy day essentials (books, snacks, games, a candle, slippers, and a movie) so I can enjoy a cozy day indoors.

Go on a Sunday morning hike and make it a ritual I look forward to.

Create a playlist of positive upbeat songs and listen to them when I'm having a bad day.

Visit a metaphysical shop and purchase crystals, books, and candles.

Make a winter bucket list of things to do. Each month I research events and happenings in my area and I write them down in my planner. My go-to source is TimeOut .

Buy a few houseplants. They're great for decorating your place and they detoxify the air .

Organize my computer by deleting unwanted junk. Starting with my desktop, I'll then go through my folders, email, browser favorites, photos, and saved passwords.

Find a TV show to binge-watch. I just finished You , and now I'm watching Shameless (I can't believe I didn't start watching it years ago). For more ideas, these are my can't miss shows from last summer and then here are some all-time favorites .

Plan a staycation by spending a day each month exploring a new neighborhood in my area. You never know what you're going to discover.

I'm always curious to how people feel about New Year's Resolutions versus setting goals? Which do you feel are easier to stick with and how do you implement them into your life? Comment below!