My Life Changing African Adventure

By Misssarahlouise
This time last year I was offered a once in a life time opportunity, it involved a lot of hard work and commitment but I threw myself out of my comfort zone and accepted the challenge. 5 years ago my college set up a project called 'Challenge South Africa'. The project aims to allow a small group of students from my college to go out to South Africa and take resources to donate to a deprived township just outside of Cape Town called Manenberg. The challenge as an individual is to raise at least £1400 in order to cover the funds of the trip and to also buy essentials to donate to schools and orphanages in and around the township of Manenberg. This year alone myself and 10 other students have managed to raise over £33,000!
So 2 weeks ago today myself and the team set off for South Africa. No matter how much I researched and learnt about South Africa, nothing could prepare me for what I was about to experience. As soon as we touched down in Cape Town a wave of emotion flew over me. Looking out of the window of the aeroplane I could see miles and miles of flat dusty land and Shanti Towns which consisted of pieces of tin sheet, nailed together to form sheds which people called home.
The trip was an emotional roller coaster and I have witnessed and heard things that will stay with me forever. Seeing the adorable, innocent children in the orphanages with nothing and no loving family there to support them broke my heart. Seeing how deprived families are, living in tiny, broken sheds and struggling to even put a bowl of rice on the table made me realize that I don't appreciate how lucky I am.
The township we spent the most time in, Manenberg, is also a very dangerous part of South Africa with gang shootings happening more or less everyday. I spoke to high school children which said hearing violent gunshots were the norm to them. Many told me that they were terrified to walk home from school as the gang members use them as shields while they fire bullets. Children as young as 11 experience gang violence everyday and sadly, many of them aspire to do nothing with their life but than be in a gang as they are surrounded by that culture and think it is normal and worthy of respect.
Despite all of the bad thats going on in South Africa, it was so inspiring to see how happy and welcoming everybody is. Everywhere we went we were welcomed with open arms and made to feel most at home. Many of them have such high aspirations and they were so interested to learn about our lives back here in the UK. The trip has certainly changed me as a person and given me a completely different outlook on life. I have met some truly inspiring people that have certainly made a footprint in my heart. 
If you want to know anything else about my experience or have been on a similar trip yourself then please leave a comment, I would love to chat!