My Latest in Meininger’s Wine Business International: Wine Apps That Will Make Life Easier

By L.m. Archer @lmarcherml

My Latest in Meininger’s Wine Business International:

Wine Apps that Will Make Life Easier

L.M. Archer does a round-up of wine apps that have proven useful across different wine sectors, from wine production through to sales and marketing.

Issue 6 -2019 Meininger's Wine Business International: Wine apps that will make life easer.

by L.M. Archer

Apps have become an essential component of success in the US wine business, being used for business strategy, sales and marketing. Executives increasingly rely upon mobile and desktop applications for everything from tracking inventory to decluttering communications.

While not all of the following apps are available outside the US, it’s important for anyone working in that market to understand the technology.


To track everything from vineyard to bottle, Janie Brooks Heuck, managing director of Brooks Winery in Oregon, uses InnoVint Cellar. “It integrates with lab companies, does all your federal reporting, all via smartphones, iPads etc,” she says, “So the mobility is great, and the fact that I can pull up data from anywhere is amazing. Very strong reporting, too.” For full access…

Appeared in Issue 06-2019

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