My Latest Discovery: An Irish Special Edition

By Nogarlicnoonions @nogarlicnoonion

After the Jubilee special edition, 961 beer decided to brew their own Irish Stout as a limited Edition beer to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day which is a huge holiday in Europe and the United States, but it just beginning to come on the radar screens of the Lebanese.

Only 280 cases of the beer were produced. As is the house style of 961 Beer, the Irish Stout is very stylistically correct. Irish Stout is meant to be a low alcohol (4.2%), low bitterness, light bodied dark beer with loads of coffee aromas and flavours. Generally, when making an Irish Stout all of these characteristics are very important because the beer is meant to be drunk in bars and pubs while having a session with your friends. Anything that has too much alcohol or is too bitter will mean that you will be going home early or moving onto another beer.

It is a beer that is very reflective of its history and origins within the chitchat pub culture of Ireland and England.

St. Patrick’s Day is a holiday that began to be celebrated in the 9th and 10th centuries in Ireland and throughout Europe by Irish Diaspora. It honors St. Patrick who lived and worked in Ireland in the 5th century. Originally a Romano-English settler, he was kidnapped and taken to Ireland. He later escaped to France where he was accepted into the Church and trained for missionary work. He returned to Ireland and traveled widely through the country.  His symbol is the three-leafed Shamrock, which he used to teach his disciples about the Holy Trinity of the Catholic Church.  Today, St. Patrick’s Day has become a much more secular holiday that is celebrated throughout the world with parades, parties, and especially eating Irish food and drinking plenty of good Dry Irish Stout.