My #Kitchentales with Fairy

By Thindes78

18 months ago we embarked on a new kitchen, and with hubby working in the building trade, we had known associates fit our kitchen for us cheaply. We went off for a week to Center Parcs and expected to return home to a finished kitchen - this is when it all went wrong. Unfortunately we did not come to a finished kitchen; the worktops were fitted but also badly damaged, and the cupboards were not finished as well as a list of other errors. To cut a long story short, it cost us a lot more to fix it then if we would have just paid non-known associates to do it in the first place and a few lessons learnt. And the story still goes on, we are still not finished with the kitchen, but this is mainly due to life happening in between, the kitchen got put off, and a year later after we started, we finally got it tiled, and I love it. It is nearly done, we just need to order a new unit for the freezer, and then once that is done we can fit the plinth around the bottom and Walla! - we are very close and I am looking forward to it finally being done.With 4 kids, 1 dog and 2 cats, our kitchen is the soul of the house, it keeps the family going. For example:

  • As soon as the boys get home from school they dump their bags in the cupboard and head to kitchen and raid the cupboards and fridge and eat like they have been starved for a week.  
  • Cooking diner everyday (Hubby is the cook of the house).
  • Washing gets done and keeping on top of it, otherwise one missed wash out of my daily routine could be a disaster; forgotten footie socks can cause bedlam
  • Pets get fed, though Harvey insists of getting a mouth full of his food, carrying it through to the lounge and then dropping it on the carpet so he can eat it there. 
  • My junk cupboard, full of junk mail and not so junk mail.
  • My bits and bobs drawer - everyone has to have a bits and bobs drawer - it is full of 'I don't know what the plastic bit is', to sewing needles and batteries (batteries that work and don't work, or course), Oh and all those old mobile phone charges! Why do I still have those I dunno.
  • The microwave, which is a teenagers life-saver: hardly here on time for dinner, doesn't like what we're eating, fed up with eating the same stuff we eat every week - yep all the same complaints, so the microwave is his life saver for heating up meals, and making his own food etc..
  • Ah, final but not least the dishwasher, not only great for washing dishes, but also great for washing toys and any other bits I can get away with, achieving an easy but effective clean and always with my Fairy Platinum. Thus Fairy Platinum is unbeatable, it really does clean dishes (and anything else I chuck in) first time
The kitchen is the life force and mechanics of this home, this past 18 months it has been the subject to many emotions from excitement, laughter, heartbreaking disappointment, tears and joy - I love it, though I will love it more when it is finally finished.

My kitchen is nearly there, just a couple of things to finish and all done.

My kitchen window, just waiting to get blinds measure next week.

"This post is an entry for the "My Kitchen Story" Linky Challenge, sponsored by Fairy Platinum"