My Kids Aren't Even out of School Yet and So It's a Bit h...

By Beachbungalow8 @beachbungalow8
My kids aren't even out of school yet and so it's a bit hard to start thinking about fall when my house hasn't even started to be filled with it's summer quota of sand and nary a Popsicle been licked.

 But as with all good retailers and harbingers of design and trend, West Elm is already thinking about fall decorating for you. For the Fall 2012 collection, WE collaborated with 16 South African artists and designers to bring you myriad of product ranging from lighting to furniture with a mix of aboriginal textiles in between.

"It’s amazing how varied the voices are there,” says Creative Director Vanessa Holden, who visited the country for nine days last year. “There are influences from so many different backgrounds layered on the foundational African culture. I love the idea of those multiple points of inspiration coming together. It makes for a real melting pot point of view.”
This all goes 'live' in a West Elm near you, June 12th.  But if you can't wait, get a preview here