My Journey as "Pride and Prejudice"

By Atulsharmasharma
Firstly I was written as " First Impressions" and sent through my writer's father to Thomas Cadell, the great publisher who denied me my rightful dignity by refusing to publish me even without taking a cursory glance at me.
Disheartened by this cruel behavior my creator Jane Austen decided to bury me in a trunk. Then she put all of her efforts to create another marvel named " Sense and Sensibility" which saw the light of the day in 1811.
It won many hearts. And encouraged by its success she reincarnated me as " Pride and Prejudice."
And all of you who have derived immense joy and pleasure from me should know that my official birth date falls on January, 28, 1813.
Had Thomas Cadell published me then, it would have been another case?
" It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife." ------------  My Opening Lines.
And now even after 200 years of my birth, I am still busy entertaining you.