My Inner Run-hating-teen Must Shake Her Head in Disbelief

Posted on the 04 May 2014 by Olivia

Can I get a hallelujah?! Not only have a caught up with my running this weekend, but today I started my 3rd week and completed the 7th day of the C25K program.

After having taken care of some daily errands yesterday, I decided to drive out (ok my mom drove me) to Ljunghusen, a town located at the south-western tip of Sweden and is notable for its beaches and for its golf course. As it was rather windy yesterday I decided to stick to the trails by the pine forest, golf course (had to duck a few balls *oops*), ridiculously expensive but oh so pretty houses and the nature reserve. Today I included the stunningly white beach (probably the most beautiful beach in Sweden). Sometimes I have to ponder over whether I’m in Sweden or on Bahamas. OK, perhaps it’s not as scorching hot as it is on Bahamas and the palm trees are missing…but this place is blindingly beautiful!

Up to this point I’ve always gone back home after having completed a run. But then I thought to myself, why stop now? Why not just keep on walking and enjoy the scenery. All in all, running and walking combined, I managed to cover a whooping 7.67 km yesterday and 5.11 km today.

Strangely enough, I feel more energized than ever. It must have been the fresh ocean breeze and pine forest air. Could it also be that I’m starting to catch the “runners bug”? Am I starting to enjoy my runs/walks? *le shock* I must say, that rewarding feeling  after having completed a run without giving up is hard to beat. My inner run-hating-teen must shake her head in disbelief! Reading about the so called “runners high” have always seemed like an ancient legend to me, or at least unattainable. However, if I imagine myself in a few weeks from now, I might be a convert that get to experience that sense of euphoria. Only time will tell…

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