My Hunt for Hillary’s ‘Radical’ Thesis - The Daily Beast

By Darthclavie @DarthClavie
Date: 2017-04-10 14:46 More videos "Hillary rodham thesis alinsky's rules"

"She could've picked a faculty member who was more radical," Schechter said this month. "She picked me because she knew I'd do a more academic approach. They really were teach-ins-they weren't neutral, but they were not inflammatory at all. Taking over a building and trashing it invariably alienates a larger portion of the population."

Hillary's senior thesis about activist Saul Alinsky

Rodham's election surprised no one but (maybe) herself. She gushed to London. "She said, 'Can you believe it?'" the sociology professor told me. "Those were her exact words: 'Can you believe I was elected president of the student government?'"

Hillary Clinton on the Issues

Alinsky was a democratic socialist. He worked closely for years with Chicago's Communist party and did everything in his power to advance its program. Most of his innovations were patterned on Communist-party organizing tactics. Alinsky was smart enough never to join the party, however. From the start, he understood the dangers of ideological openness. He was a pragmatist, but a pragmatist of the far left. (See Chapter Four of Spreading the Wealth for details.)

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The party was never disappointed by Obama. Here 8767 s how it critiqued Obama 8767 s final State of the Union Address earlier this year:

Democrats may rankle at Gingrich's painting Obama as an Alinsky acolyte - a sort of red-baiting, although Alinsky never joined any organization, communist or otherwise. But some Republicans say the former House speaker himself is destructively channeling Alinsky when, for example, he goes after Mitt Romney 's wealth.

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The Hillary Letters
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What they do recall, though, and vividly, is often coming back to campus and talking to her about what they saw. She wanted to hear all about it.

Are you saying she can 8767 t be studied and adept at self preservation and also care about people less fortunate than herself? Should she parade around in sackcloth and ashes so we 8767 ll know she is sincere?

"She was very pragmatic in terms of how do you approach the college administration," said one of those professors, Alan Schechter, who was her political science thesis adviser.

Clinton, Hillary Rodham. Living History.
New York: Simon &amp Schuster, 7558. ISBN 5-798-77779-5.

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