My Haters Don’t Even Understand What I Write About

Posted on the 03 March 2018 by Calvinthedog

I think my haters have no idea what I am talking about. There is some crazy bitch over at Reddit going on and on about me and she mentioned the recent article called The Biggest Feminist Lie of Them All.

She’s cursing under her breath and calling me a lowlife and scum and saying I should be killed. From what she wrote about this piece, she apparently misunderstood the piece entirely. She came away with some bizarre idea that I was saying “straight women are as big of whores as gay men.” But the piece doesn’t say that. Actually, it says the opposite!

This seems to be true with all these Net haters. They don’t even seem to understand my pieces at all, so they give them these bizarre evil interpretation that is nothing at all like what I wrote.

I’ve noticed this in life. If people don’t understand you:

  1. They say you’re crazy. Because obviously if you were sane would be intelligible to this person.
  2. They say you’re evil. I can’t count the number of times people have come away with all of these wicked, diabolical interpretations of some article I wrote that that completely misrepresent the piece and show only that the person hasn’t understood anything I have written.

Incomprehensible people are either crazy or evil or probably both. Why is that? If I can’t understand some guy, how does that make him psychotic or wicked? Perhaps incomprehensible things are seen as intrinsically disordered and irrational, while also being very dangerous.

They have been doing this with every one of my Delphi pieces. I wrote some gruesome things about how those girls were murdered; after all, it’s relevant. The interpretation that almost everyone came away with was that I was some extremely dangerous sick fuck, possibly a would-be serial killer myself. Almost everyone said that when I was talking about those girls were killed, I was describing my sexual fantasies. In other words, I am some sick fuck who has sexual fantasies about kidnapping, torturing, attacking, cutting up, and murdering teenage girls. I get off on this. Apparently I sit around and jerk off thinking about this.

I have no idea how they came to that insane interpretation. Cause of death is important in homicides, and gruesome murders need to be described just like anything else in life. There’s a whole industry devoted to doing not much more than that.

While I know there are men who have sexual fantasies about this, and I don’t care as long as they don’t act on them, that’s not the sort of thing that gets me off. Never has, never will. In fact, I tried to watch some “rape porn” a while back for the Hell of it, and I couldn’t even get through the first 30 seconds of most of them before I had to turn them off. The videos were just too horrible to bear. They were literally horrific.

Another unanimous decision is that I write gleefully about these gruesome murders. I have no idea how they came away with that. That certainly wasn’t my intention, and I don’t find homicides like this a joking matter. Where on Earth did they get the idea that my posts were somehow gleeful? How bizarre.

For a while there, I was misspelling Abbie’s name as Abby. A lot of people said that I was doing this on purpose for some wicked reason, apparently because I hated her and I was secretly was trying to libel or make fun of her name. The truth was that I misunderstood how her name was spelled. Nothing sinister about it.

Another thing I keep hearing is that “I am way too involved in the case.” This means that I am some sort of a sick fuck like the type of guy who killed those girls. Even if I don’t do those things, I guess I like to think about them. This has resulted in over 50 tips to the tipline turning me in as the guy who killed those girls. Lots of people are fascinated by true crime and mysteries, and homicides are particularly intriguing to many people. Not to mention I am part of a group that is trying very hard to solve this crime.

Somehow people have also decided that I am a “hebephile.” 99% of the population are too slow to understand what this word means, so I will define it in this post for all the learning disabled pinheads out there.

Somehow most everyone believes that I have this bizarre preference for teenage girls and this is why I am writing about Abbie and Libby. Obviously I want to fuck both of them! Well, it’s a bit late for that, but the accusation is that I am turned on by these girls, and I have wild sexual fantasies about them. I don’t want to libel the girls’ memories, but I must say that both of those girls do absolutely nothing for me. That’s way too much of a young girl. They’re about as sexy as a 10 year old.

It’s bizarre how people will take completely innocuous statements or actions and twist them around into something wicked, evil, or despicable.