My Happy Monday Week #2

By Sarahohm @sarahohm
Hey loveys,
 I hope everyone had a great weekend!
 I did a bunch of studying and I worked on Saturday night. I admit that I didn't get home until the wee hours of the morning last night which made today extremely unproductive. A friend of mine I used to work with was having her official "good bye" party with work folks so when I was done working at 2am, C and I made our way to her apartment to hang out with my coworkers! We didn't end up getting home until about 4:45am so I spent a chunk of today sleeping on the couch since I woke up at about 9am this morning.
 Since today is Sunday, that means tomorrow is Monday..
 Well, d'uh Sarah... but what else does it mean?? It means tomorrow is the second weekly installment of My Happy Monday! Last week was the first weekly My Happy Monday that I've ran and it was pretty successful with 6 blogs that linked up!!
My Happy Monday Week #2I loved reading how everyone was enjoying their Mondays and how the idea of focusing on what makes Mondays so great is helping get people's weeks off to a great start! :) I have some fun new questions to ask for this weeks My Happy Monday, so here they are!
What was the first thing that made you smile today?
What are you most looking forward to about today?
What is your favorite thing about this Monday?
Do you have a pet who makes your heart melt? Tell us about them and why they are so fantastic!
Are you reading a book currently?
What is something small that you’ve done for someone else today, that put a smile on your face?
Monday's have always been my favorite day of the week because I find that it's kind of like a "fresh start" to the week.... they usually fly by and they just usually result in good things. I try and reach out to people I haven't talked to much over the weekend, and try and be happy and productive all day as well! Do you also find though, that sometimes you like having a quiet Monday? Like, put the phone away, ignore the outside world and just kind be present in whatever it is you're doing? I might try and do that tomorrow... I need to unplug just slightly and detach myself from technology slightly because it's literally all I do lol. So tomorrow I might be on my computer doing homework, but I'm going to try and solely focus on the task I'm doing. I have a love affair with social media and it tends to take over whatever I'm doing when I'm on the computer so I'm hoping I can kind of... turn it off tomorrow and relax. We'll see!!
I am super excited to read everyone's responses to these questions tomorrow!! Below is the linkup gadget, so make sure if you're blogging about My Happy Monday, you insert the link below!
