My Happy List

By Jessicavenoy @lovelyjesscuh
I feel like I've done a post like this in the past, but hey, can you really ever write out too many happy lists? No? I didn't think so either!

These are just some things that make my heart happy. I could've kept going, but I figured I'd keep it short and sweet today (: I truly believe that having a thankful heart/grateful mentality is a game-changer.
1. Sleeping in and cuddling with my sweet husband2. Getting completely lost in a book3. Filling the house with candles on a rainy day4. Riding bikes downtown with Adam5. Getting As on exams after busting my butt studying6. Froyo #TeamNoFruit7. Watching my pups run full speed around the backyard8. Lifting weights9. Tacos + champagne (together and separate, ha!)10. Cute graphic tees11. Catch up dates with friends (especially if mimosas are involved)12. Interior decorating. I love creating cozy spaces!13. The color turquoise 14. Tailgating at country concerts15. Getting my hair washed and styled (because I hate doing it myself)16. Organizing my planner17. Getting fun mail (bills obviously do not count as fun)18. Beach days with friends19. Taking my first sip of coffee in the morning (bonus points if it's out of a cute mug)20. Peanut butter (eating it and watching my dogs eat it)21. Trying new restaurants22. Exposed brick walls23. When my husband brings me fresh flowers24. Surprise weekday dates 25. Monogramming any and everything
Tell me 3 things that are on your happy list! Let's spread some positivity today, friends (:xo,