My Happiness Project - The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin Review

By Lollicious @lollicious

I finally bought the Happiness Project book and I LOVE IT. Gretchen Rubin has written this fabulous book and Im happy to review it and share my experiences with you.

This book has been floating around instagram, the blogosphere and facebook for awhile now with rave reviews and I finally bought it and am loving every insightful page.

Packed full of facts and literary examples, real life lists and experiences its gripping and real and will have you nodding along to every page.

My own happiness has always been illusive, I have been very open with my depression and anxiety journey and so value it very highly. I am happy, I have depression and anxiety but like Gretchen Ruben I feel I could be happier, more appreciative and live in the moment a little more.

The book is written like a month to month commentary following Rubin's journey and the steps she took to find her full happiness. The book isn't a how to, its more of a how I did it and you can take bits and apply it to your own life.

I am planning on starting my Happiness Project next month and will share my experiences along the way. I totally recommend having a look and reading the book xx