My Handbag Essentials

By Bethtinkerbell @TinksLostGirls

I’m sure I’m not the only person who has a few things which are essential they carry around with them? I thought that today I would share with you what my essentials are.

Clear Makeup Bag – I use this simply because it fits everything in that I like to carry. I picked it up in Superdrug and it came with travel sized bottles and tubs so that you can decant your own products into them for taking on the plane.

Hand Gel – I like to have a hand gel with me, as sometimes there’s no soap in the public loos, or you’ve got to touch a lot of things other people have touched and then eat food with your hands. Plus, it’s just nice to know you have clean hands.

Scrunchie – I got the scrunchie in my Leeds May Meet goodie bag, I like to carry around a few bobbles and kirkby grips so that I can easily put my hair up out of the way.

Clear Lip Balm – My current one is from E.L.F and is a clear balm for when my lips are getting a little too dry. I like to know that I’ve got one just in case I ever need it. 

Bronzing Brush – Another Superdrug purchase, I wanted a brush which was small and would fit in the makeup bag, but was still a good size to use with powder. All the powder brushes had handles which were just too long.

Rimmel Clear Complexion Powder – I always carry a translucent powder as I have oily skin so sometimes can get a bit oily, so it’s easy to top it up a little while i’m out.

Haughton Greene Skin Balm – I use this as a hand cream and it’s in a little tin which is easy to carry around, but once I’ve finished it up i’ll be going back to my hand cream stash and carrying a mini one around with me. I did a review on the skin balm which you can see here.

Compact Mirror – I would imagine it’s pretty obvious as to why I carry this around with me, at some point I’m going to need one whether topping up my lippy, or getting rid of my shiny face!

First Aid Kit – In the little bag which says skin food, is my little first aid kit, so plasters, painkillers, and my meds. I can’t leave the house without this little bag otherwise it can all go a little crazy!

Lipstick – I didn’t add one to the photo which shows everything inside my bag, but I always add the lip color i’m wearing in to the bag so that I know exactly where to find it when it comes to topping up.

What are your handbag essentials?

Beth x