My Hair Affair

By Suma @ThFabJunkie
I was never a girl who was simple when it came to my hair. I always tried something new and was never afraid to be "different". My hair inspiration doesn't just stop on Pinterest (I mean, it is just so much FUN to pin all those different hairstyles). I'm one of the lucky ones and I say this because I actually like my hair. Weird right? I feel like it's a norm for us ladies to hate our hair. If we have curly hair, we always want straight hair. We swoon over the girl on the train with the bouncy curls when our hair won't even kink in humidity and we feel like "why me?". Right? I think we've all been there at some point or another.

Moving On................. 

Between hair dye, relaxing techniques, perms and so many hair products out there, we shouldn't be afraid to make a change! I seriously think I've had every color in the rainbow in my hair. It's fun to play with something that you know will come back. Hair never breaks up with you, it will always be there in the end. Just like any relationship, you must treat it right. 

Thanks to this amazing IFB Project #86 I was able to talk about my hair without sounding, you know......... too into myself. Just like the Fekkai Touch, I also believe that when you treat your hair the right way, it will be good to you. Buying the right products would make the world of difference. I mean, we love to be pampered and trust me, your hair does too. I checked out and you should too for all the amazing products that your hair will LOVE.

For fun (because I am a fun type of gal) I put together a few collages to show my hair over the years and now currently. These collages honestly do represent who I am as a person. I find hair-spiraton everywhere. I have always went with the flow, If I decided I wanted pink hair, I went out and got pink hair........... I have always and always will, stay true to who I am AND that will show through my locks.
Check out my own personal Hair Affair

 Impromptu HAIR SHOOT(Current Hair) Then Things Got SILLY
Where do you find hair-spiration?