My Greatest DIY Ever!

By Lil_white_whale @lil_white_whale

Hello friends! Sorry things have been so quiet around here lately. It’s just hard to stay behind a computer for longer than necessary when the temperature outside hits that perfect medium between warm and blazing hot! And the truth is I’ve also been rather busy working on a very special project the past few months, and although it’s not quite finished yet, I wanted to give you all a sneak peek…

Yes, there’s a baby on the way! In early August, to be specific. The apartment is in utter chaos right now as we try to rearrange our entire home to make space for this nugget, but it’s so worth it to see stuffed animals and chunky books start to make their way onto our shelves :-)

Everyone keeps asking me how I feel, and physically? Pretty great! Mentally? Scared and excited to the Nth degree! When we first got Toby (after going to the breeder’s place to “just take a look”), I distinctly remember thinking “OMG what did we just do?? We don’t know how to take care of this thing!” on the car ride home with a squirming puppy in my lap. This is pretty much how I feel as the weeks fly by, poring over pregnancy forums and reviews for baby monitors and strollers and swaddles. It’s an overwhelming time, but I’m comforted by the little (and sometimes not so little!) kicks in my belly each day, and I know we’ll figure everything out together along the way. Toby turned out to be an upstanding gentleman after all, so how hard can all this baby stuff be, right? HA!