My Goofy Playlist

Posted on the 03 November 2013 by Anytimeyoga @anytimeyoga

In my real life, I’ve been kind of drowning lately. It’s not that anything bad is happening — in fact, a lot of good things are happening. It’s just that so much is happening. I’m teaching, of course, and running the same number of student interventions and advising the same two student organizations that I did last year. I’m also implementing a new curriculum, responding to and incorporating feedback on that curriculum (I helped write it, so I’m helping revise it), writing more curriculum, and overseeing the graduate student who will be my student teacher next semester. Plus, you know, trying to stay involved with my union activities (I am admittedly not doing a very good job), keeping on top of my other blogging and online community commitments (I am not doing a good job), taking care of a household (I like to think I am better at this), and engaging in necessary self care (the jury is still out on this one).

So, nothing outright bad. A lot of good. But I have been wearing my Grown Up Pants hardcore while doing All the Things and Going to the Motherfucking Bank Like an Adult.

In contrast — or perhaps in an effort to help maintain balance — my yoga has become increasingly lighthearted and fun-seeking. When I choose a more vigorous vinyasa practice, there’s not a time I don’t throw in at least one arm balance or inversion just for thrills. In my more moderate practices, I find all my feel-good variations of triangles and lunges. If it’s a yin practice, I pretty much live in pigeon — one form or another — for ten minutes at a time.

Additionally, particularly during my more vigorous practices, my playlist has become a bit silly. I mean, I like it, and it works for me. But they are not standard “yoga music.” Most of them are instrumental covers (words have a tendency to distract me) of songs I would not otherwise be as likely to include. Because at least some of the lyrics would be distracting for me at best and problematic at worst. But the music itself is pretty fun.

The list, in the order I originally sequenced it (though sometimes I hit shuffle):

Silly? Of course. But there’s no denying that yoga at my house is a lot of fun.