My Garden This Weekend – 23rd February 2014

By Patientgardener @patientgardener

There isn’t much to report from the garden this weekend mainly as I spent the only dry sunny day at my garden club and sadly Sunday was a blustery and damp day.  I have spent some time outside today, well enough to take these photographs which proved challenging due to the wind.  Looking around the garden there are increased signs of the change of seasons we are all waiting for.

The first daffodils are flowering.  I don’t know what variety they are as they came with the house but these ones always flower a good few weeks before others.  There was an interesting discussion at the HPS meeting about the flowering of daffodils and how despite the mild weather they don’t seem to have flowered much earlier. The group speculated that they needed a cold snap to get them going which makes sense I suppose although if so and we continue to have mild weather then that logic would say none of the daffodils would flower, which makes no sense!!

I did buy a few more hellebores at the HPS meeting.  I think I said last week that I wanted to add to my collection and I had been thinking of visiting Ashwoods again but was struggling to find the time to get there. All the hellebores I have are from Ashwoods so it is nice to add to the collection from a different source.  I am rather pleased with the white one above bought from another club member, such a pure color.  I also bought two good size seedlings from the charity table.  They don’t have such a clear color but I think the addition of some pinks will be nice.  As an additional plus the three hellebores, all a good size, cost me only £7!

Aside from taking some photographs today I sowed more seeds, this time some woodland perennials that had been collected in Japan.  I have bought seeds from a couple of plant collectors this year so am interested to see how they do.

Hopefully next weekend I will get more of a chance to do some of the jobs I want to get on with.  In the meantime I get to enjoy the view above from my living room window although I do keep thinking that I must divide the clumps up when the snowdrops finish flowering.