My Garden This Weekend – 10th February 2013

By Patientgardener @patientgardener

This weekend it has been wet and misty which to be honest has been a blessing as I needed to get on with finishing decorating the dining room.  I am pleased to say the walls and ceiling have been done and the first coat is on the woodwork so the room will be finished some time during the week and I will be hanging up my decorating togs and hoping to don my gardening clothes.

Despite the greyness of the weather the garden is beginning to take on its bright spring greenness. The snowdrops are finally beginning to flower although they seem very shy this year and are not a patch on the ones we saw at Painswick which were far more substantial.

I was surprised to find these two Iris reticulata flowering as they really haven’t had the heat they needed over the summer.  I think the blue one if ‘George’ but I can’t remember the name of the purple one.  This one was growing at a really strange angle as a large stone had rolled over the bulbs but they still managed to grow up ad around it.  It just shows how determined plants are to grow.

The Fatsia which looked so forlorn and bedraggled when it was caked in snow is positively shining although that might have something to do with all the rain.  Annoyingly we have more snow forecast tomorrow morning.  I am hoping that the temperatures stay a little too high and its doesn’t snow.  It would be nice if it stopped raining for a really signficant period of time as the ground is sodden and today it didn’t really take any time at all before the patio was flooded which shows just how high the water table is.

Although gardening has been a non-starter this week I  have booked to go to the San Francisco Garden Blogger Spring Fling which I am terribly excited about.  I shall be meeting up with lots of American bloggers and Victoria, and maybe Michelle.  So June is going to be a busy month with a family holiday in Cornwall at the beginning of the month and a solo and first trip to the States at the end of the month!