My First Park Run

By Beautybykaris @beautybykaris


Hey there,

I think it is safe to say, almost everyone is on this ‘new year, new me’ fitness hype in January.
And I must admit, although I have been more health conscious this past year or so, (Mainly a result of one too many takeouts, and the scales no longer being my friend), there is something motivating about January 2014.

Maybe it’s just all the talk and instapics I am seeing, or the fact that my scales went up over Christmas…oops!

Anyway, this past year I have got quite in to my running, having ran the Race for Life 10k, back in the summer, and the Great South Run 10 miles in October. I find running helps me release my stress, if I am worrying about something, I can often pluck it out of my mind, mid run. And of course, it does wonders for the waistline.

I have managed to loose a stone over the past year, however have struggled to see the scales go down since August, so I am back in fighting mode, ready to get back in to my size 10 jeans by the summer.

And of course this means, increasing my training, and eating clean. I always find that signing up to an event, helps put my mind in focus. So this year I will be signing up to run the Race for Life again in June. Not only is it for a charity, (One very close to my heart), but the atmosphere on the day is incredible, there is an amazing sense of achievement when you cross that line, and hopefully, you are a few pounds lighter by the time you come to run it.

To get my training started, I have decided to start doing park runs at the weekend. Myself and a friend went for the first time yesterday, I wasn’t sure what to expect, but it was very motivating. The park run is a 5k, organised run, every Saturday morning at 9am, and as far as I am aware, the runs are all over the UK. I was a bit apprehensive to start with, as I have heard such mixed reviews about running clubs, but this isn’t really a running a club, as such. To enter the park run, you have to register online and print of your barcode, you take this bar code with you on the day and they use it to record your time.

We all started at the same time, following the yellow cones, around a very muddy field, completing 3 laps. We even had volunteers cheering us on, and shouting encouraging words at us as we ran around. I was slightly put of by the guy taking photos for it, if I could of, I would of snatched it out of his hands and ran of with it. (Who wants to be photographed, red faced and sweaty?…not me).

And fear not all ages and abilities were welcome. We had children, men, women, some people even brought their dogs and buggies, (What a great idea)! Some walked, jogged, ran and others sprinted, I think the fastest time was 18 minutes!!!(Crazy) We ran it in 33.56, a time I hope to beat in a few weeks.

I’m not sure if this is a common thing at park runs, but the volunteers had made flapjacks and brownies for everyone. Another little incentive to go to your local one. Of course I resisted. Being on a diet and all.

I would definitely recommend looking up the park run online, and see if you have one locally to you. It’s a great way to meet new people, get outside, and get fitter.

Apart from park runs, I’m also going to the gym two to three times a week. My 2014 diet mainly consists of fruit, veg, protein, sweet potato and porridge, with lots of water. One of the best things I have done so far, is quit the habit of drinking diet coke.



Lots of love,