My First Owlcrate!

By Megan Love Literature Art & Reason @meganm922

After months of waiting on the list, I finally got through and was able to purchase my very own Owlcrate. It worked out perfectly, too, because the box was set to ship on the 20th of September, just two days before my birthday.
It arrived earlier than I expected, but I decided to open it even though it wasn’t quite my birthday.

The Unboxing:

I’m pretty happy with everything I got. For just over the price of a brand new hardcover, I got all sorts of cool stuff. I’ll admit that the necklace is awesome and will likely be something I’ll wear nearly everyday.
Now I have 1 Targaryen (or maybe 2?) on my shelf. =)
Sassy Voldemort dislikes sharing the shelf with books named after Harry Potter and now a picture of Hermione.
I hope this book is a good one!
I happened to buy these socks today and now I have a necklace that matches. How’s that for a coincidence?
As always, follow me on Instagram for more bookish pictures and experiences. I’ll likely order more boxes in the future until cool bookish things becomes pile of bookish things I’ll never use/wear/look at and then I’ll go back to spending forever on the internet trying to find obscure bookish necklaces.