By Thedivadoll @marlenefrierson
I was so excited when I heard that Elise from Basketcase Beauty awarded me the Versatile Blogger Award! You have no idea! Thank you so much Elise! You rock girl!

There are 3 rules for this award
1. Thank and link back to the person who gave the award to you.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Send it along to 10 other bloggers and let them know you have awarded them!
Let's see.. 7 things about me:1. I'm Puerto Rican2. I love the color pink3. I would love to make blogging my day job4. If I could, I would eat chicken wings everyday..lol5. I love scary movies6. October is one of my favorite months7. I love my husband very much! :)
Picking only 10 blogs to past this award on to was actually super hard. There are so many out there that I absolutely love!But know that the Diva Doll loves all of you ladies ( and gents)!
Here ya go!
1. Chica Bloggersita2. Click Latina3. Entertainment Paradise4. Katrina Lomidze5. Kiss an Makeup6. Maytedoll7. Princess Mina8. RedWolfBeach9. The Budget Beauty Book10. The Chap
Thank you again Elise!
XOXO~The Diva Doll~