Look, I’m all for pedestrians’ rights and the right of way for pedestrians, but every time we (the collectively we of pedestrianism) run afoul of a car, it’s just more ammunition for them to hate us. If we are to unite against our vehicular oppressors, we cannot give them reasons to blast their horns at us. We must maintain the high ground. As I said recently, I don’t advocate violence, but I do flip the occasional bird and less frequently I lose my cool.
On a related note, if you’re standing at the corner waiting for the light to turn, please press the walk button. You may believe it’s an exercise in futility; that’s your prerogative. For those of us who have seen the walk sign pop up only when the button is pushed, humor us and push the damn button.
Just because you’re willing to play Frogger with the traffic doesn’t mean the rest of us should.
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