My Feet Want to Purr, Take 2

By Astylizedhysteria

A little while back, I asked for your help in deciding between two leopard print shoes. Nearly everyone agreed that the heels rather than the sandals were a better choice. Well people, you were WRONG. These shoes hurt in a way that I have not experienced before. I’m still halfheartedly trying to break them in, but my itching for animal print hasn’t been properly satisfied yet. So, I bring you two more options that I need help deciding between.

Option 1: Kensie Girl Sila

They are very affordable (due to being faux leather). The shape looks pretty comfortable, but with the heel coming in at 4 inches, there’s definitely a potential for pain. What can I say? My feet are pussies. Hence finding cat print shoes (zing!).

Option 2: Matisse Nugent

First of all, named after Ted Nugent? Cool points have been awarded. The low wedge heel and ankle support of a bootie pretty much guarantee comfort. The pattern isn’t leopard per se, but it’s definitely some sort of animal of the cat family. These are by far the most expensive option, however.

So, what say ye? Don’t lead me wrong this time, internet. Otherwise I’m changing this blog to a poetry site dedicated to David Hasselhoff and Chuck Norris.
