My Feel Unique Order

By Glossqueen @Gloss_Queen
Remember I said that I had a few packages on the way that would make the first few months of P100P easier? Well this is the third last one that I'm expecting. This was my first order from Feel Unique but it won't be my last. They have a huge range of products that aren't available here. 
I placed my order on 12 September, it was shipped the same day and I received my package on 25 September. Shipping was free, yay!
Rodial Glam Balm Lips - This has been on my wishlist for ages but I haven't been able to find it in Australia.

Nuxe lip balm -  I ordered this on a whim because I wanted to try something from Nuxe. 

Daniel Sandler Cherub Watercolour blush - I've seen this on lots of blogs and as I'm going through a blush stage, I had to have it. 

Korres Mandarin Lip balm stick - I really don't know why this is called mandarin, mandarins are orange and this is not orange.