I know that I'm not the busiest person there is, but at this stage in my life my plate is fuller than it ever has been. I'm a full-time student (and to be honest I didn't realize how intense speech classes would be - not to mention how intense summer semester fast paced, y'all), I have 2 jobs (one of which is owning my own business which is a lot in itself), I'm a wife, dog mom, friend, daughter, sister, etc. The list goes on. Blah blah blah. We all have a lot of responsibilities.
But my problem was - I refused to SLOW DOWN. Day in and day out I burnt the candle at both ends, so to speak. I was AFRAID to slow down. Afraid that it would put me behind, delay my progress.
Until I figured out that by not slowing down I was really making everything worse.
I was tired every day, which made getting through my to-do list that much harder. I was grouchy since I had no energy. It just wasn't a good situation.
So this weekend I STOPPED. I got done what I needed to do but refused to look ahead and try to tackle the next day's tasks with the few hours that I had left during the current day. I actually disconnected from my responsibilities at the end of the day (I know it's only been 4 days but hear me out) and let myself decompress.
I've woken up the last few days ready (and excited!) to take on the day and also excited to CHILL OUT at the end of the day. I'm making a point to SHUT DOWN (as in my busy-ness) at a decent hour each day. And I'm going to do my best to continue doing this. It's really helped me feel more alive, more productive (who would've thought, right?), and just less burnt out.
Do you struggle with slowing down/mentally chilling out at the end of the day?
xo, Jess