- This morning, I made this tasty easy peasy Raw, Vegan, Gluten-Free juices! I had it after a cardio work-out! It is my favorite fresh juice of the moment, in the morning! :)
Yum Yum Yummm!
For 2 big glasses
- Ingredients:
- 2 big juice oranges, cut into 2
- 5 cm of fresh ginger, peeled & cut into 2
- 6 big large carrots, UNpeeled & each cut into 2
- Method:
- 1. Take your juicer & place 2 glasses under it. Juice your carrots & ginger, so that each glass has exactly the same amounts of carrots & ginger in it. Now, juice your oranges too, equally divided, like above. Into each glass, add some of the orange pulp. Mix well with a spoon & enjoy instantly with a loved one! ;) MMM,…This juice is very good for you & energizing too! ;) xxx
MMM,…Raw carrot, orange & ginger juice!
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Filed under: Appetizers, Breakfast, Dairy - Free, Drinks, Egg - Free, Gluten - Free, Raw, Vegan, Vegetarian