My Favourite Lip-balms

By The Persephone Complex @hollycassell

BabyLips, by Maybelline // Beeswax Peppermint Lip-balm, Burt’s Bees // Bee Lippy Fresh Lemon and Lime Lip-Balm*, Bee Fayre // Tin O ‘Tint Strawberry Lip-Balm*, Miners
On the sliding scale of lip-balm addictions, I’d say I’m pretty close to crashing at rock bottom. I’m more of a collector than a junkie, having probably more balms than I do lipsticks – or any other beauty product, in fact. I love everything about them. I’m obsessed with their adorable scents and cute packaging, and I love finding natural ones made from beeswax rather than petroleum, which are becoming more widely available now. It’s a cliché but I DO always have one in my handbag, even if most of the time, I fail to remember to actually USE it. Lip-balm is one of those things that you always forget to use, until your lips look like Hangman’s Rock and you have to slap industrial strength lube on your face to prevent rupture. But I am always the girl that people go to when they need lip-balm. I end up passing a tin around in the girl’s bathroom at clubs until I say to someone ‘you know what, just keep it babe’.
That being said, there are a few balms I’ve discovered recently that I’d be reluctant to share with anyone. My new favourite is the Bee Lippy one by Bee Fayre, in the lemon lime flavour. I cannot even begin to describe how mouth-watering the smell of this is, so you’ll have to find out for yourself. I often open it just to breathe it in. I love strawberry Chapsticks, but this tinned one from Miners is a cuter alternative that leaves a bit more colour as well. The smell of BabyLips is also amazing, although I’m not sure exactly what it is. Grapefruit? I have no idea. And Burt’s Bees lip products obviously need no introduction, they’ve earned their place in the lip-balm hall of fame. Let me know in the comments what you use on your face when things start to get cracky.

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