Hate asthma? Hate the drugs, too? You might wanna read on.
Asthma can be a terrible ailment, one that is quite common here in the Philippines; so common that everyone in my 6-member household has it, sparing only me and my middle child, Mesoo. After my very athletic youngest child recently got so sick from asthma that it reduced him to near-uselessness during a very prestigious tournament, not to mention that he had to take steroids to even breathe properly, I decided that enough is enough and sought out a way to help him (and the rest of the family). Thing is, I am not a fan of asthma drugs (and you shouldn’t be either), so I wanted to find out how my asthmatic relatives can find relief, naturally.One day, as I was getting stocks for the grass-fed milk that I sell, I noticed a sign of a company called Greenpastures, and, on a whim, I decided to check it out. Boy am I glad I did, because through their product, GoProtect, I was finally able to find what I’ve been looking for: a natural weapon against asthma (and other respiratory ailments).
•Sambong (Blumea balsamifera): one of the ten herbs approved by the Philippine Department of Health (DOH) as an alternative medicine in treating particular disorders, this plant makes a great expectorant. It also has a multitude of great benefits, like dissolving kidney stones, treating stomach pains, Read of its many health benefits here.
•Lagundi (Vitex negundo): another one of the ten herbs approved by DOH as alternative medicine, lagundi is already well known in the Philippines as a treatment for asthma and cough. But beyond that, it also provides relief for diarrhea, rheumatism, and many other conditions. Read of its many health benefits here.
•Oregano (Origanum vulgare): possessing great anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-oxidant, anti-viral, and anti-fungal properties, oregano is much more than just an ingredient that makes food taste good. The fleshy plant has a myriad of health benefits, chief among them its aid in fighting asthma, bronchitis, and other respiratory diseases. Read of its many health benefits here.
•Malunggay (Moringa oleifera): considered one of the most nutritious plants in the world, moringa or malunggay is a gold mine for health. A serving of its leaves already provides many times the nutrition of many other foods (if you want more data, here's an article by my favorite health blog). Moringa is what most, if not all, the Greenpastures products are based on.
Comparing ORAC scores of famous superfoods. Moringa is king.
So I got myself a bottle and gave it to my son, who at this time was at the beginning stages of another asthma attack. The next day, he felt much better. Impressed, but still wondering if it’s a fluke, I got a few more bottles to have my friends try it with their own asthmatic children. The same results blessed them as well.
Now, I know that by law we cannot claim that a natural product has therapeutic effects (hence the “no approved therapeutic claims” disclaimer that we often see), but wow, this product packs a strong natural punch. Still, I gotta play it safe and say that this product is not meant to replace medication, nor your doctor. At the very least, GoProtect strengthens our respiratory systems; that, I can confidently say. And trust me, my friends are really happy campers now that they, and their children, can breathe better.
I have been so satisfied as a customer that I also became a Greenpastures distributor. If you’ve been reading this blog for quite a while, you’ll know that I passionately care for supporting locally-made (Philippine made) products. If you want to live in a country that builds things, you have to buy things your country builds. This is especially true if you live in Cagayan de Oro, like I do, as Greenpastures is a CDO-based company.
The company’s marketing plan is very generous. Distributors like me get a whopping 50% discount on GoProtect and Greenplus, and that goes a long, long, way especially with the latter product as it is something the family uses every day. Then, there are 7 more ways to earn, which is quite a pretty picture; not to mention that there are several more awesome Greenpastures products that I use on a daily basis. Right now I am just a distributor for the very nice discount; but I am strongly considering the thought of taking the distributorship on with more focus.
Besides, great wealth often comes to people who strive to meet a need, who strive to help as many people as possible. Well, there are over 10.7 million cases of asthma in the Philippines (surely you know families whose members struggle with the ailment), and I am willing to bet it is the most common reason why children miss school or have emergency visits to the hospital. I say there’s a lot of needs to be met. LOTS.
If you are interested to find out more, either to take it for yourself or to join me in the company, you can email me here, or PM me on my Facebook page. I will not give prices and other details here. You'll have to get in touch with me.
PS: Of course, taking a supplement is not and should not be the only way we battle asthma. Here's some lifestyle remedies that you can adopt to make sure that you're less likely to get an attack.
(For more blog articles about what goes on during my teaching adventures, click here. This blog is mostly about parenting, with a bit of Christian living and ministry, marriage, Pinoy patriotism, and others topics aimed to develop the reader's mind, body, and soul. If you would like some good, helpful articles on these topics, I would consider it an honor if you follow or subscribe to Lessons Of A Dad. You can also go to my Facebook page here, and I’m also on Twitter at @lessonsofadad)