My Dream Spring Wardrobe

Posted on the 11 February 2020 by Sim @simslifeblog

Staring out of the window procrastinating this morning, I have been greeted by bouts of hail and the remnants of Storm Ciara. It is not pretty by any stretch and I am keeping everything crossed that this is the worst we will experience over Winter.

With half term fast approaching, that means Spring is literally just on the horizon, to the point we can almost grasp it. I had hoped by now that I could start packing some of my Winter clothes away and dust off some of my 'warmer weather' clothes, but to no avail yet! It doesn't stop me considering my dream Spring Wardrobe though!

My wardrobe choices have certainly changed over the years after following Keto and I cannot wait to rock my Spring and Summer clothes when the sun finally decides to make an appearance! So what have I see that I would like to add to my wardrobe?

My Dream Spring Wardrobe

Morgan Regane Dress

I have totally fallen in love with this gorgeous Morgan dress which is ideal for Spring and beyond. Floaty, light colours, a stunning length even on the tallest and perfect to dress up or down. Great for including in your suitcase for holidays in sunnier climes or to keep to hand for Summer events. You can check out the dress over at Spartoo, currently priced at £67.50.

Chloe Wedges

These vertiginous Chloe wedges (also from Spartoo) would be the most fabulous footwear choice to pair with the Morgan dress. Definitely a dream purchase for me though as the wedge heel height would see me well over over 6ft... still, handy for getting served! These wedge heels are so multi purpose too and you would certainly get your money's worth at the current sale price of £144.80.

So whilst the site maybe awesome and I challenge you not to fall in love with everything on offer, holidays are not an option! Which is the only thing missing when you pair the above fashion items together! Now, where would I wear them?

Naturally it would be the perfect outfit to showcase in Barbados! The wedges may not fare well on the gorgeous, white sandy beaches, but what a fantastic lightweight dress to wear whilst enjoying the warmer weather!

For now, I am wrapped up with jumpers and comfy socks and do not plan to come of hibernation anytime soon!

Have you already been considering your Spring wardrobe?